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ANMAT (National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology) was the first regulatory agency in the Americas to inspect research sites, generating high-quality standards in clinical trials.

It was also a pioneer in promulgating, disseminating, and raising awareness of good practices in clinical research, in line with international regulations (USA, Europe, Japan).

In keeping with the same spirit of positioning Argentina as a country that conducts research with global quality standards, as an NGO (Articular Foundation) and as a research site (CER-Quilmes Institute), we are proud of ANMAT Salud's admission as a Regulatory Member of the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH).

For 34 years, this multilateral body has brought together regulatory agencies from around the world and the pharmaceutical industry to discuss aspects related to good clinical practice (GCP), reaching a consensus on key elements for the development of new drugs, optimizing resources, and meeting high international quality standards. It is the only forum where the pharmaceutical industry and governments work jointly to agree on guidelines in these areas.

Argentina becomes the third Latin American country to join this organization (in addition to Brazil and Mexico), contributing the perspective of research in our country while also enriching itself with the experiences of other regions.