With this objective, CER (Center for Rheumatic Diseases) was born, which in a short time became a reference institution dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of rheumatological pathologies.
Since 1999, the clinical research area has been incorporated, generating a specifically trained multidisciplinary team.
As of 2004, CER became the CER Medical Institute and expanded its attention to other specialties, keeping its mission intact: Improve the quality of life of our patients bringing science closer to the community.
Our Team

Jorge Velasco
Jorge Velasco Zamora Physician from the National University of BsAs. He specialist in internal medicine and rheumatology. Master in Clinical Research and MBA with a focus on strategic management. With more than 20 years of experience in pharmacoclinical research, he created one of the first professional research centers in Argentina. Concerned about the community's access to science, he created and chairs Fundación Articular, an NGO aimed at raising social awareness of science and technology. He stimulated the development of translational research from which emerged RadBio INC biotech company of which he is co-founder and president.

Mónica Coronel
She is the person who makes things happen. Degree in administration, MBA in technology-based companies, Partner and administrative and operations director at Instituto CER SA. She is co-founder and member of the board of directors of Fundación Articular, a non profit organization dedicated to bridging the gap between science and society, and co-founder of RadBio INC. biotech startup. As a strategic planner she is one of the pillars of our team.